I’m on a journey to make 30 predictions in 30 days – and strengthen my decision making abilities in the process. Join me on the journey by firing me an email with your predictions and comments.
Over the course of 2016 I want to connect and introduce 100 people in a purely altruistic way.
I recently had drinks with a friend, Tim, and he commented about some of the writing that I had done and said that he had had the idea of publishing a piece about 100 people he connected. I thought this was fascinating and couldn’t believe that he hadn’t published about it.
Tim went on to say that connecting 100 people – with no expectations, no ask for a return of favor, and no monetary reward – was much tougher than he thought and took up a lot of his time. However, by being truly altruistic with no expectations, the results and experiences blew his mind:
- He received equity in several companies
- He learned about new businesses
- Met a ton of new friends and expanded his network
- Found new income streams
- Got a lot of free chocolate
On the homepage of this site (audibleventures.co) the tagline says “Connecting People. Things. Ideas.” I truly love connecting people. I love it even more when I can figure out how to make a living off of that - because it is enjoyable to see ideas and people come together to make something bigger and even better when you can make a living doing what you enjoy. This is what I am passionate about.
I recently spoke with one of my partners at work and claimed that “I just like connecting people” to which he replied - “the real trick is to monetize your connections - when you figure that out, it will unlock a ton of potential.” When I think of the idea of “the monetization of connections”, I immediately think of people that have contingencies on friendships: if you do this for me, then I can be your friend or connection.
The monetization of a connection doesn’t have to be a malicious concept. I started working with BlarneyVentures and FullFunnel because I used their services and had success. Furthermore, I wanted to tell people about it and get them on board. It is something that people need, will save them stress when building their business, and is just a smart smart team of people.
While I feel like I write about Tony Robbins a lot, he is a great example of a guy that connects people to things and ideas that can improve everyone’s life. He charges a lot for this, does really well, and changes people’s lives for the better. Tim Ferriss is another individual that has successfully figured out how to monetize his ability to connect people, things, and ideas - just listen to his podcast. Every majorly successful individual genuinely connect ideas and people together and they build their livelihood, practice, and working theories around their ability to effectively connect those relationships.
So while I connect people for work, I want to add to that and follow my friend Tim’s pursuit of connecting 100 people in a purely altruistic way. Maybe it will open up new doors for business, maybe it won’t do anything, or maybe it will create a whole new network of friends and ideas. This essentially will be an ancillary part of my day where it may or may not have a reward pegged to it. It will simply be to connect people to things, ideas, and other people.
Here are the rules:
- I must connect people to people.
- I will record the date, time, and people involved and purpose of introduction.
- I will follow up with them to see how the introduction and connection blossomed.
- I will have no expectations.
- I will write about these 100 connections by the end of 2016.
If you are interested in being connected to someone in my network, shoot me an email at Ben@audibleventures.co