A short piece on emotional intelligence and the role it plays in entrepreneurship
The Rise of Alternative Investments - Prediction #13
10 Digital Marketing Predictions - Prediction(s) #12
100 Connections in 2016 - Prediction #11
"Internet of....well... things" - Prediction #10
Oiiillllll.... oil! - Prediction #8
Don’t count on oil rebounding beyond $55 dollars a barrel (or a 20% increase from today’s price of $45.80).
We only hire Rockstars! Apply now! – Prediction #7
Ready, Player One? Prediction #6
Tesla Motor Company has lightening in a bottle - Prediction #5
Shop till Fortune 500’s Drop - Prediction #4
We’re Getting Trumped - Prediction #3
A Year for Learning – Prediction #2
How Making 30 Predictions Improves Your Confidence, Decisions, and Ideas
ROF (Return on Favor) is enough ROI
There is no Bubble without Bubble Gum
It’s 2016 and anyone paying attention to what is happening in Silicon Valley sees that a something odd and unsettling has happened - did a bubble pop in the private world of startups and tech companies? With investors writing down several companies in their portfolios recently, we are seeing the effects of an era, the Bubblegum Era.